Bert Lochs

I am a professional trumpet player, composer of both jazz and classical pieces for small and large ensembles alike and a teacher. I am leader/initiator of two trio's: Trio Bert Lochs and Lochs/Balthaus/Herskedal and I play in the Guus Tangelder Bigband, Pieter Basts E.S.P and the Jasper Somsen Group. With my trio's I made some very well received CD's and I played at the North Sea Jazz Festival and a lot of Dutch and German venues. I teach at home and at the music school of Alphen a/d Rijn. One of my main skills is teaching the Balanced Embouchure method. A method of trumpet pedagogue Jeff Smiley. I discovered it in 2002 and it helped me play a LOT better, and it completely turned around my view of how to play and teach the trumpet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I came across this video of one of my heroes, Terence Blanchard, and with this song he demonstrates what it is that makes the trumpet so special. It sounds brilliant, haunting, fat, screaming and sad at the same time, he does a great job in this piece!
And the Dutch government wants to dump this dare they?

Oh, by the way, I finally learned how to place a video on my blog. Looks better already!


  1. Very cool playing, thanks for posting. Looks like there is a quite a story behind that performance, do you know much about it?

  2. Not more than we saw on the news here at the moment of that event. But I have to say that I got a much clearer picture of what it is that happened with Katrina in New Orleans. I visited the museum about the water catastrophe that happened in 1953 here in Holland. Very impressive, and incredibly sad. I think that is what Terence expresses here, and I can feel with him even on a deeper level now.
