Bert Lochs

I am a professional trumpet player, composer of both jazz and classical pieces for small and large ensembles alike and a teacher. I am leader/initiator of two trio's: Trio Bert Lochs and Lochs/Balthaus/Herskedal and I play in the Guus Tangelder Bigband, Pieter Basts E.S.P and the Jasper Somsen Group. With my trio's I made some very well received CD's and I played at the North Sea Jazz Festival and a lot of Dutch and German venues. I teach at home and at the music school of Alphen a/d Rijn. One of my main skills is teaching the Balanced Embouchure method. A method of trumpet pedagogue Jeff Smiley. I discovered it in 2002 and it helped me play a LOT better, and it completely turned around my view of how to play and teach the trumpet.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Editing cont.

We did it. We edited nine songs in two half days !. I think that is a very good result. There were some important decisions to make, but all in all we just played very well indeed. I think it will be a great CD.
Actually I think it is my first live-CD ever. That calls for champagne! I never dared to do it before this one. Afraid something might go irreparably wrong. Now I would have wanted more recordings to be live recordings. Jazz is music of the moment, and you just get this one time to play it right. If you get this moment on tape it is really magical. I think we did a good job with this one. There are definitely some magical moments on it. Sometimes I was smiling inside when I heard back what we did. That doesn't happen too often, actually.
Now it is a matter of backing up everything as safe as possible. Wouldn't want to do it all over again. My Time Machine is running, the USB stick is loading with the edited files and I already have a back up on my harddisk. That should be enough.
After that we are going to the next step: mixing the edited tracks. I will keep you updated.

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